
Madelaine Santana

Madelaine Santana

Program Manager, Economic Mobility

The National Association of Counties (NACo) is partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create a peer-learning opportunity for rural local leaders to advance equitable upward economic mobility to move individuals and families out of poverty. 

Rural Leaders for Economic Mobility (RLEM) is a knowledge-sharing peer learning network that will empower local government leaders and partners from 10 low-population counties, parishes or boroughs to use reliable and localized data and best practices to develop equitable economic opportunity that moves individuals and families out of poverty. 

RLEM will support counties, parishes and boroughs that have limited technical and staffing resources but who are deeply committed to building stronger and more resilient economies in their communities. NACo has partnered with Results for America, Urban Institute and Opportunity Insights to develop educational programming and provide community coaching support. NACo has also partnered with The Cedric Group for curriculum and planning.

RLEM is part of Counties for Economic Mobility, a NACo initiative for county leaders to advance equitable upward economic mobility to move individuals and families out of poverty.

Over an 18-month period, the Rural Leaders for Economic Mobility will:

  • Convene in three member counties to discuss strategies for creating rural prosperity, addressing subjects such as housing; land use; broadband access; residential, commercial and community infrastructure; workforce development; and rural entrepreneurship.
  • Learn from peers and experts on proven strategies to create equitable economic opportunity in rural America, receive technical assistance for policy and program implementation through monthly virtual meetings.
  • Receive a $50,000 subgrant to support implementation and integration of data and evidence-based policies into local government decision-making.

Watch Video


Announcement: Ten Counties Selected for RLEM

Other Counties for Economic Mobility Programs

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Counties for Housing Solutions

Housing is a key component of economic mobility, yet continues to be a challenge for many residents. NACo’s Counties for Housing Solutions program offers free three-month technical assistance sprints to address this challenge by helping counties increase local housing supply.

A woman speaks into a microphone while others listen in

Counties For Economic Mobility Leadership Advisory Council

The National Association of Counties (NACo) is partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to advance equitable upward economic mobility through the Rural Leaders for Ecnomic Mobility and Counties for Housing Solutions programs - advised by the Leadership Advisory Council (LAC).


Economic Mobility Resource Hub

Explore these resources to promote inclusive economic prosperity for county residents.