Counties are the cornerstone of local governance, delivering essential services that impact residents’ daily lives, from public safety and infrastructure to health care and economic development. As the level of government closest to the people, counties play a critical role in addressing community needs, fostering innovation, and collaborating with state and federal partners to create vibrant, sustainable communities. With their diverse structures and responsibilities, counties are uniquely positioned to drive progress and serve as a vital link in the intergovernmental system.

The Counties 101 curriculum provides a comprehensive guide to understanding counties and our vital role in shaping America. It offers insights into the systems, responsibilities and partnerships that empower counties to address local challenges and improve residents’ lives.

The curriculum is organized into five modules: What Are Counties, County Structure, Authority, and Finances, County Roles & Responsibilities, Counties and the Intergovernmental Partnership and Telling the County Story. Explore below for overviews of each module and use the buttons to access the full module, featuring in-depth analysis, NACo research and additional resources.

What are counties?

Counties are one of America’s oldest forms of government, dating back to 1634 when the first county governments (shires) were established along the eastern shores of Virginia. The organization and structure
of today’s 3,069 county governments are chartered under state constitutions or laws and are tailored to fit the needs and characteristics of states and local areas.

County governments and our elected and appointed county leaders are instrumental partners in our nation’s intergovernmental system of federal, state, local and tribal officials. This system includes sub-state local compliance, delivery, management and implementation of federal laws, regulations, mandates and services.

This question "what are counties" is the first step in learning about county governments and our collective impact on our communities and the lives of residents.

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County structure, authority and finances

Counties are governed by locally elected officials, including more than 19,350 county elected executives and board members responsible for counties’ budgets, policies and oversight. In general, states authorize and set the roles and responsibilities of county governments. Though counties across the country differ in structure, authority and finance, our mission to foster healthy, safe and vibrant communities is a constant.

In this module, explore the differences across – and within – states regarding county authority, dive deep on Dillon's Rule vs. Home Rule, explore the various county government structures and learn about county finances, priorities and mandates.

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County Roles & Responsibilities

Counties are diverse in structure and the ways we deliver services to our residents, yet we all share a common vision: building healthy, safe, and vibrant communities across America.

This module explores the vital roles and responsibilities counties fulfill within our communities. These include connecting communities through transportation and infrastructure, safeguarding public health, fostering economic prosperity, ensuring public safety and supporting our nation’s veterans. rom maintaining roads and bridges to ensuring public safety and advancing environmental stewardship, counties provide the essential services that millions of Americans rely on every day.

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County Roles & Responsibilities Grid

Transportation and infrastructure are core public sector responsibilities that impact everything from our daily commutes to shipping goods around the globe.

From building and maintaining roads and bridges to providing efficient transit options, counties are a driving force connecting communities and strengthening our economy. Counties play a major role in other essential community infrastructure like hospitals, jails, courthouses, parks, schools and water purification and sewage systems.

  • 45%
    of public road miles
    Counties own 45 percent of public road miles and 38 percent of bridges
  • 34%
    of airports
    Counties support 34 percent of airports and more than 40 percent of transit agencies
  • $134B
    in infrastructure investments
    Counties invest $134 billion in building, maintaining and operating physical infrastructure and public works.
  • 11.5%
    of houses without broadband
    11.5 percent of households lack access to high-speed broadband. Often, access does not account for quality or speed.

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Counties invest heavily in local residents’ health and well-being, often serving as a safety net for low-income and indigent residents.

County health departments protect our residents and communities by offering a wide range of services like administering flu shots, providing health information, and preventing and responding to public health emergencies.

From hospitals and emergency rooms to clinical care facilities, many counties operate the systems that keep us healthy from the time we are born to the time we grow old. Counties also often have significant responsibilities for behavioral and mental health services and care.

  • 1,900
    local public health departments
    Manage and govern more than 1,900 local public health departments and authorities which support
    the health and safety of our residents
  • 533,000
    hospital and health care workers
    Counties employ over 533,000 hospital and health care workers
  • 900
    Counties support more than 900 hospitals that provide inpatient medical care and specialized care
  • 700
    long-term care facilities
    Counties also own and support more than 700 long-term care facilities

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Counties are sources of innovation, exploring new opportunities to address challenges and piloting programs and initiatives that make residents’ lives better.

Counties employ over 3.6 million public servants, invest in our communities, and are key players in community planning, land use and zoning.

We implement local policies and intergovernmental initiatives that foster economic development, promote residential, commercial and industrial development, and support job creation and business retention

  • 3.6M
    county employees
    County governments are collectively one of the largest employers in the nation, employing over 3.6 million Americans.
  • $103B
    education investments
    Counties collectively invest $103 billion annually to support the public education system
  • $12.8 billion
    housing investments
    Invest $12.8 billion annually in the construction, operation and support of housing and redevelopment projects
  • 4%
    national unemployment rate
    Nationally, the unemployment rate is 4 percent – 0.5 percentage points above pre-pandemic levels as of May, 2024

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Counties play a major role in fostering safe communities: emergency response and preparedness and the criminal justice system.

From patrolling the streets, to operating and maintaining county detention and court facilities, to employing innovative approaches to safely reduce jail populations, county sheriffs and other law enforcement departments are on the front lines of justice and public safety.

Similarly, counties engage in all aspects and phases of emergency management: planning, preparation, mitigation, response and recovery.

  • $107B
    justice & public safety investments
    Counties invest $107 billion annually in justice and public safety
  • 91%
    local jails
    Counties operate 91% of all local jails
  • 849
    counties experiencing a national disaster in 2023
    In 2023, 849 counties experienced at least one Federally Declared Major Disaster
  • $92.9B
    damages from natual disasters in 2023
    In 2023, the nation experienced 28 separate billion-dollar disasters, totaling approximately $92.9 billion in damages.

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Counties are home to more than 17 million veterans, comprising seven percent of residents living in our counties.

Counties fund and operate, almost exclusively through local tax revenues, County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs) in 29 states and the District of Columbia, which help veterans claim more than $52 billion in federal VA benefits each year. CVSOs help our veterans access stable housing, employment and education opportunities, and deliver critical mental health services that treat trauma and prevent suicide.

  • $17M
    veterans in counties
    Veterans comprise seven percent of residents living in counties
  • $273B
    federal funds distributed to veterans
    Veterans received $273 billion in federal funds in FY 2023, often with the assistance of CVSOs
  • 29
    states with CVSOs
    CVSOs operate in 29 states plus the District of Columbia, and are responsible for helping veterans access federal benefits

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Counties and the Intergovernmental Partnership

County governments, led by our elected and appointed officials, are instrumental partners in our nation’s intergovernmental system, which balances, divides and shares power and responsibilities between all levels of government.

Counties are uniquely positioned to implement and administer vital intergovernmental systems, facilitate cooperation of all levels of government, and deliver results and impact for our residents and businesses at the community level.

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Telling the County Story

Find tools to tell the county story. Apply for a NACo Achievement Award, celebrate National County Government Month, and utilize our suite of civic engagement tools to educate our federal partners, as well as the general public, on the importance of county governments.

Explore Module



Achievement Awards

The Achievement Awards is a non-competitive awards program recognizing innovative county government programs. Award-winning programs are featured in NACo content and celebrated at NACo's Annual Conference.


County Explorer Data

Explore your county through over 1000 indicators and nearly 100 datasets.

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Counties Work Game & Curriculum

NACo, together with iCivics, has created an online game and curriculum to educate students grade levels 6-12 about the important role and functions of county government. 

2024 NCGM Header

National County Government Month

Held each April, NCGM is an annual celebration of county government. NACo equips counties with template materials, social media graphics, and more resources to kick off the month of recognition.

Colonial Map

The County Landscape Project: A Primer on Our History, Definitions, Structures and Authorities

An in-depth look into the history of counties, our authority and structure, key county services and responsibilities and the intergovernmental partnership


Governing on the Ground

Governing on the Ground is an inside look at the complex challenges faced by officials as they strive to strengthen their communities. The book features 30 short chapters contributed by county leaders.


County News

Explore articles from our award-winning County News, the official news publication of NACo.

Podcast studio

County News Podcast

Listen to the County News podcast to take a deep dive on issues impacting local governments across the country, share in lessons on leadership from county leaders and learn more about what it takes to strengthen America's counties

NACo's County Explorer

Explore county data through our online interactive tool aggregates more than 800 data points on counties, parishes and boroughs, helping you tell the county story, support projects and grant proposals, and build credibility with key stakeholders.

County Explorer

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Counties 101 for Students

Counties Work Game & Curriculum

NACo, together with iCivics, has created a full curriculum to educate students, grades 6 through 12, about the important role and functions of county government. The curriculum and online game assist teachers with preparing lessons on county government.

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CM Pavers