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The Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC) is a critical resource for cyber threat prevention for the nation's election offices. To improve the cyber posture of election offices, the EI-ISAC partners with industry leaders to provide no-cost cybersecurity solutions to its members. The EI-ISAC is committed to keeping its members informed and protected against the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.

Join us to hear about the potential threats facing election offices as we approach the 2024 General Election year and the solutions we offer to protect your critical election infrastructure.

As a preview, two of the most beneficial solutions we offer are: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Malicious Domain Blocking and Reporting (MDBR). EDR protects your endpoints by providing threat detection and prevention to quickly identify and stop the spread of ransomware. MDBR prevents your users from connecting to known or suspected malicious websites.

In addition to being no-cost solutions for election offices, these solutions are quick and easy to install. Counties that are under-resourced or lack cybersecurity tools may also be eligible for the no-cost solutions and services we provide.



Andy Hanks

Senior Director, Center for Internet Security

Marci Andino

Vice President, Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC)
Image of Rita-Reynolds-2.png

Rita Reynolds

Chief Information Officer & Managing Director, County Tech Xchange

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