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Woman looking at her credit card

NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Financial Access

Financial transaction systems are prime targets for cyber threats due to the value and sensitivity of the data. This cyber simulation assesses risks and fortifies safeguards within financial access systems.

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NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Cloud Security

Cloud computing has become integral to modern business and government operations, offering scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. 

Related Solutions for Counties


County Tech Xchange

The NACo County Tech Xchange is an online portal designed to connect county CIOs, IT Directors, CISOs, and other county IT leadership. This portal provides valuable resources in a central location that counties can use to improve their overall technology infrastructure.


NACo Enterprise Cybersecurity Leadership Academy

The NACo Enterprise Cybersecurity Leadership Academy is an online 12-week collaborative readiness program led by Fortune 500 CISOs and peers who deliver a proven framework and insights on leading and securing a network and an organization.

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Cybersecurity for Counties

Protect your county with NACo and the MS-ISAC.

Related Committees

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How Fast Is Your Broadband

NACo's TestIT App

NACo has partnered with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and Farm Credit to develop a mobile app designed to identify areas with low or no connectivity to help ensure adequate funding for broadband infrastructure is provided across the country.

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