Robert B. Steele
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Cook County, Ill.
Why are you interested in serving as a NACo officer?
I have a strong 20 years history with NACo. I began attending conferences as a volunteer and then as an elected official. NACo has proven to be a great opportunity for legislative input, community opportunity and positive change in governmental policy.
What do you consider to have been your most important contribution to the National Association of Counties to date? What do you consider to have been your most important contribution to your state association of counties?
My most important contribution to NACo is I served as chairman of NACo’s 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and assisting in creating and developing the Minority Inclusion Plan.
My most important contribution to the Illinois Counties Association is to help grow membership and making all members aware of NACo and how it can assist in expanding their municipality and its partnerships.
What do you consider to be the two or three most important challenges facing NACo in the near future on which the Officers/Executive Committee/Board of Directors should focus? Why?
Economic policy because we are trying to restructure government and create more employment opportunities throughout our nation.
Urban communities are battling the condition of violence and its negative impact on our environment and the partnership with local law enforcement.
Conversion of energy consumption should be addressed and to encourage government to lower the footprints of environmental impediments.
What measures would you recommend to increase and retain NACo membership and to encourage broad participation in NACo by elected officials and employees of NACo member counties? What specific role would you be willing to assume to help build and sustain membership in NACo?
I would ensure NACo’s voice is utilized to create strong policies and deliverables that impact the majority of municipalities of its current members.
I will be on the front line to create awareness and educate other municipalities of what NACo has accomplished in past to guarantee NACo is visible in the eyes of all levels of government; federal, state local and also the business community.
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