CNCounty News

NACo on the Move - Aug. 24, 2015

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NACo Officers, County Officials
  • NACo Immediate Past President Riki Hokama (l) traveled to the As­sociation of Arkansas Counties Annual Conference in Washington County (Springdale), Aug. 5, where he spoke about NACo and current issues facing counties. He also presented AAC President Judy Beth Hutcherson and Executive Director Chris Villines with a plaque rec­ognizing Arkansas’ counties for their 100 percent NACo membership.
  • NACo President Sallie Clark was in Baldwin County (Orange Beach) for the Association of Alabama County Commissioners Annual Conference Aug.18–20. While there, she was featured at a news conference covering her “Safe and Secure Counties” ini­tiative. Earlier in the month, Clark and Executive Director Matt Chase were featured speakers at the South Carolina Association of Counties Annual Conference in Beaufort County (Hilton Head) Aug. 2–5. Clark spoke about her new Safe and Secure initiative, while Chase discussed advocacy at the federal level.
  • NACo First Vice President Bryan Desloge spoke at the County Commissioners Asso­ciation of Pennsylvania’s Annual Conference in Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) Aug. 4 about NACo membership, programs and the Safe and Secure initiative.

NACo Staff

  • Cecilia Mills has been promoted to research associate. Mills led the ground research for the latest county administration analysis An Overview of County Administration: Appointed County Administrators and has been instrumental in the Research Department’s organiza­tion around NACo’s major conferences.
  • Brittany Raymond takes on a new role at NACo as the County Solutions and Inno­vation Department project coordinator. Raymond began as an intern at NACo in April. She received her bachelor’s degree in crimi­nology, law and society from George Mason University.
  • Kathy Rowings, justice program manager, participated in panel discussions about engaging law enforcement, prosecutors and local partners in pretrial reform, Aug. 17, at the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies Annual Conference in India­napolis, Ind.
  • Julie Ufner was one of three panelists offering per­spectives on water resource issues at the general session of the National Association of Flood and Stormwater Man­agement Agencies Conference in Teton County (Jackson Hole), Wyo. Aug. 18.
  • Emilia Istrate, research director, and Brian Bowden, associate legislative director, traveled to the Maryland Association of Counties’ (MACo) Summer Confer­ence in Worcester Coun­ty (Ocean City), Md. Aug.12–15. Istrate spoke at two sessions: as a keynote speaker at the Women of MACo lun­cheon and as a panelist in a transportation and economic development session. Bowden participated in a panel discussion on the “Cadillac Tax.”
  • Chris Marklund, as­sociate legislative direc­tor, represented NACo in Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska at the Alaska Municipal League Summer Legislative Con­ference, Aug. 19–21. 
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