CNCounty News

On the Move - Jan. 25. 2016

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In the News


NACo Officers, County Officials

  • It was off to the Southwest for NACo President Sallie Clark and First Vice President Bryan Desloge. Clark spoke Jan. 20 at the New Mexico Association of Counties Legislative Conference in Santa Fe County, and Desloge represented NACo at the County Supervisors Association of Arizona’s Legislative Conference in Maricopa County (Phoenix), Ariz. on Jan. 21.


NACo Staff

  • Daniel Brookmyer has joined the Research Department as a research associate after interning with department since summer 2015. He is currently co-writing Counting Money: State and GASB Standards for County Financial Reporting and serves as a co-liaison for the International Economic Development Task Force. He has previously worked as a county civil court clerk in Palm Beach County, Fla. Brookmyer holds a bachelor’s degree in political science with honors from the University of Central Florida and is completing a master’s degree in public policy at George Mason University in Arlington, Va.
  • Jonathan Harris started working as a research associate in the beginning of 2016.  He initially joined NACo as part of the research intern “army” in January 2015.  Harris has done work on the county administration and county finance projects, and he serves as a co-liaison for the International Economic Development Task Force.  His next assignment will be a policy analysis of state limitations on county revenue sources.  He holds a B.A. in philosophy, politics and economics from Eastern University and expects to receive a master’s degree in integral economic development policy from Catholic University in May.
  • Ya`Shica Robinson, a native Washingtonian, has joined NACo as an administrative assistant, in the Executive Office, providing administrative support to the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Executive Director. Prior to joining NACo, Robinson was a senior administrative assistant at the American Library Association. She holds B.A. degrees in political science and in economics from the University of the District of Columbia.  
  • Tony Jamison has been promoted to business development manager. Jamison started with NACo as a membership intern, moved into a full-time membership assistant slot, and subsequently was promoted to corporate relations associate. 


Coming Up

  • Andrew Goldschmidt, membership marketing director, will be exhibiting on behalf of NACo at the New York State Association of Counties Legislative Conference Feb. 1–4 in Albany, N.Y. and at the West Virginia Association of Counties’ Conference of Counties, Feb. 7–9 in Charleston, W. Va.
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