Invoice Management System (IMS)
2022 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2022
In an average year, the Accounts Payable Section (ATC-AP) of the San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collectorâs office processes and disburses over $4.1 billion. These disbursements consist of over 200,000 payments to County vendors annually, affecting Countywide operations which serve 2.2 million San Bernardino County residents. The Invoice Management System (IMS) project aims to support and streamline ATC-APâs invoice processing workflow. The IMS is a secure, cloud-hosted, web-based, and centralized platform. The IMS was developed in-house and leverages Microsoft SharePoint online to streamline the document management component of invoice processing for goods or services. The IMS is used for document management and invoice processing for nearly all departments within San Bernardino County. The solution creates digital versions of invoices, which are stored electronically. The electronic storage helps ATC-AP process and pay invoices timely and assists the County with avoiding late payment penalties. In addition to document storage, the IMS has the following provisions: ï Automate and Support Invoice Processing ï Automatically Manage Workload ï Assign Work ï Detect Duplicate Invoices ï Mitigate Errors ï Monitor and Track Overdue Activity ï Provides Business Intelligence Features for Management to Monitor Operational Performance and Gain Other Analytical Insights This project has successfully addressed an ATC-AP challenge to effectively manage and efficiently process the substantial number of daily invoices with limited staffing.