Ballot Request Tracking System
2019 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Alameda County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)
Year: 2019
Ballots can be requested in advance for early voting and can be requested by different means. With this new enterprise solution, Alameda County can more efficiently track and process election ballots requested by County voters for Early Voting during the 29 days prior to Election Day. The Ballot Request Tracking System also notifies voters when the requested ballots are ready for pickup. The system also easily allows staff to search for requested ballots to review their status: by the group a requested ballot is currently assigned to, by the type request, by its source and received dates. Reports can also be visualized as charts showing counts by different criteria for different elections. Internal staff who can use this system can also be controlled by Registrar of Voters supervisors who have administrative privilege. The system also links with the centralized voter repository to prefill certain information for the voter thereby eliminating the need for manually entering some of information.