This toolkit provides resources that are handpicked by NACo staff to help county leaders further develop their leadership skills and traits. The page is periodically updated with new leadership resources consistently.

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This toolkit provides resources that are handpicked by NACo staff to help county officials further develop their leadership skills and traits. The page is periodically updated with new leadership resources consistently.

Roberts Rules

Robert's Rules of Order is a widely adopted parliamentary procedure guide that outlines the rules and principles for conducting effective and orderly meetings. County officials benefit from knowing and using Robert's Rules as it provides a structured framework for decision-making, ensuring fairness, transparency and efficiency in governmental proceedings.   

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The Right Way to Run a Meeting

Check out this handbook for all the things you need to know about Robert’s Rules. This handbook can be used as a quick reference during your next Parliamentary meeting or as a quick refresher.

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Robert's Rule of Order: The Art of Running Efficient and Effective Meetings

This slide deck provides an overview of the basics of Parliamentary Law, which includes using Robert’s Rules of Order as the manual to guide Parliamentary meetings. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) among county officials is crucial as it ensures a government that is more representative of the diverse needs and perspectives within the community. By prioritizing DE&I, county officials can enhance decision-making processes, foster social cohesion and promote equity, leading to the ability to represent all individuals within a community. 

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Key Terms and Definitions

This glossary presents key terms frequently used in discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).


Equity + Governance Task Force

The National Association of Counties and President Mary Jo McGuire are excited to announce members and co-chairs of NACo’s Equity + Governance Task Force, which is working to identify, prioritize and develop the tools and resources counties need to advance equity in our communities.  


Effective communication is essential for county officials as it facilitates transparent governance, ensuring that residents are well-informed about policies and initiatives. Clear communication fosters public trust, encourages community engagement and enables officials to address concerns and priorities.