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Additional Leadership Programs

County Leadership Institute (CLI) 2024

County Leadership Institute

The County Leadership Institute is a rigorous program comprised of three days of in-person instruction to enhance the capability of county officials to identify and implement innovation solutions.


NACo Enterprise Cybersecurity Leadership Academy

The NACo Enterprise Cybersecurity Leadership Academy is an online 12-week collaborative readiness program led by Fortune 500 CISOs and peers who deliver a proven framework and insights on leading and securing a network and an organization.

Upcoming Events

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Counties Leading Through Change, a NACo EDGE Webinar

Local government leaders are working harder than ever to do more with less, balance competing priorities and navigate significant change, and doing so with challenges of the great resignation, the grey tsunami, quiet quitting, growing talent competition, decreasing employee engagement and overall retention. This interactive session will be presented by Dr. Tim Rahschulte, CEO of the Professional Development Academy and chief architect of the NACo High Performance Leadership Academy, who will detail current-state challenges of local government and will provide solutions that leaders can immediately apply in their daily roles to mitigate the negative implications of these challenges and navigate the increasing complexity of change.

This webinar is brought to you by NACo EDGE, establishing people, purchasing, and performance cost-saving solutions that can be applied to counties nationwide. EDGE is owned by NACo, advised by county leaders and 100% focused on solutions for U.S. Counties. Learn more about NACo EDGE here.

For more information check out the event page

St. Paul, MN

2024 NCCAE-NACo Knowledge Management Forum

Ramsey County (St. Paul), Minn.

The 2024 NCCAE-NACo Knowledge Management Forum, held August 14–16 at the Association of Minnesota Counties headquarters in Ramsey County (St. Paul), Minn., will bring together representatives from state associations and NACo for strategic discussions on shared policy priorities, with a focus on emerging county issues, such as economic development, housing and tax reform.