Developed in partnership with Americans for the Arts and with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Creative Counties Placemaking Initiative equips county leaders with tools and resources to identify and strengthen ways to integrate the arts into solutions to local challenges.

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Mick Thornton looks out over a small portion of San Juan County, Utah, where he is an Economic Development Corps fellow. Photo courtesy of Thornton
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ERC fellows demonstrate value of relationships in economic development

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Diana and Charles Printzen pose with an Elvis Presley impersonator after getting married at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Clark County, Nev.
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Clark County celebrates its 'wedding capital' fame

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Congress Passes Landmark Outdoor Recreation Package

Lawmakers passed the bipartisan EXPLORE Act (H.R.6492) on December 19 to boost outdoor recreation opportunities on public lands for county residents and visitors and aid gateway communities

Members of the Saline County, Kan. Senior Center theater group pause for a photo in costume.
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Senior stars give theater program a standing ovation

Saline County, Kan. started a theater group for senior citizens who enjoy performing and working behind the scenes on theater productions.

Press Release

Counties Applaud Passage of WRDA/EDA Package

Omnibus package will advance county interests in economic development, water infrastructure 

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Americans for the Arts
Americans for the Arts
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National Association of Counties
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National Endowment for the Arts

Program Contact

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Patrick Spence

Program Manager, Economic Mobility