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Calling All Students

I Love My County Because...

NACo's "I Love My County Because..." art contest bolsters civic education and educates communities around the role of county government. Students grade levels K-12 are invited to submit artwork, with winning entries included in an annual calendar.

Students from all U.S. counties, boroughs and parishes are eligible to enter. Applications for the 2023 contest are due September 29!

Submit Your Artwork

Related Programs & Initiatives

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Resilient Counties

NACo works to strengthen county resiliency by building leadership capacity to identify and manage risk, and allow counties to become more flexible and responsive.

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Creative Counties Placemaking Initiative

As public funding becomes increasingly strained, counties must search for and employ new strategies to improve their communities and local economies. NACo, in partnership with Americans for the Arts and with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, has launched the Creative Counties Placemaking Initiative to support counties as they work to identify and strengthen ways to integrate arts into solutions to local challenges.

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Economic Mobility Leadership Network

The network supports county leaders to develop successful economic mobility strategies for their local communities.


Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities

BRECC serves coal communities seeking to revitalize and diversify their economies. 

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