County Roles & Responsibilities
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Counties are diverse in structure and the ways we deliver services to our residents, yet we all share a common vision: building healthy, safe, and vibrant communities across America.
This module explores the vital roles and responsibilities counties fulfill within our communities. These include connecting communities through transportation and infrastructure, safeguarding public health, fostering economic prosperity, ensuring public safety and supporting our nation’s veterans. rom maintaining roads and bridges to ensuring public safety and advancing environmental stewardship, counties provide the essential services that millions of Americans rely on every day.
As the third module in Counties 101, this builds on topics covered in earlier modules, such as What Are Counties and County Structure, Authority and Finances. To revisit these modules or to explore what's next in Counties 101, click here.
Roads & Bridges
- There are 4.1 million public road miles within county boundaries across the nation where most trips both start and end. Counties own nearly 45 percent of these public road miles – 1.8 million road miles in total – more than any other level of government.
- County governments invest $30 billion annually towards the maintenance, operation, repair and construction of toll and non-toll highways.
- Counties own and maintain 38 percent of the 607,000 bridges that compose the National Bridge Inventory, and 61 percent of our nation's 280,000 off-system bridges.
- According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 7.5 percent of the nation’s bridges are considered structurally deficient. With the bipartisan infrastructure law, counties are investing funds to improve bridge conditions.
Airports, Seaports & Transit Agencies
Airports & Seaports
- Counties are involved in the operation of 34 percent of airports.
- Counties invest over $6 billion in air transportation for the provision, operation, construction and support of airport facilities
- Counties invest over $550 million in the operation, maintenance and support of sea and inland port facilities
Transit Agencies
- Counties are involved in 40 percent of public transit systems across the nation
- Annually, counties invest more than $23 billion in the operation, maintenance and construction of public mass transit systems, including subways, surface rails, ferries and buses.
Explore County Data
Bridging the Digital Divide
County officials play a crucial role in pursuing sustainable broadband access, affordability and reliability solutions.
Approximately 13 percent of Americans in rural areas and 17 percent of Americans in tribal lands still lack access to broadband that meets the federal definition for minimum standards.
County Investments in Health
Counties play a direct role in the health and well-being of residents, investing more than $163 billion in community health, hospitals and human services annually, investing:
- $62.8 billion to serve as a safety net for millions of residents and deliver vital services to our nation’s most vulnerable populations.
- $100 billion in community health and hospitals annually, including more than $41 billion for the provision of community and public health services, and more than $59 billion in operating county-owned hospital facilities
Additionally, counties play a critical role in protecting public health through overseeing more than 1,900 local public health departments.
Counties Support Behavioral Health
America’s 3,069 counties are integral to the nation’s behavioral health system. Counties plan and operate community-based services for persons with mental illnesses and substance use conditions through 750 behavioral health authorities and community providers.
- In 33 states, counties are actively engaged in delivering traditional mental health services to residents. In more than half of these states (18), counties have significant involvement in health and human services.
- In 40 states plus the District of Columbia, there is at least one mental health facility operated by a regional/district authority or county, local or municipal government.
- Across 48 states plus the District of Columbia, there is at least one mental health facility that accepts county or local government funds as a source of payment for mental health treatment services.
County Role in Providing Mental Health Services, by State
Mental health services encompass a range of healthcare interventions aimed at promoting and enhancing individuals’ mental and emotional well-being, encompassing the diagnosis, treatment, and support for mental illnesses. Source: NACo Research 2023.
Counties Invest in Our Communities
In local communities, counties are prioritizing the needs of residents and constructing a foundation for sustained resiliency.
County leaders directly facilitate the implementation of public policy and services which have tangible ramifications in the lives of residents
Additionally, county leaders are leveraging the American Rescue Plan Act’s (ARPA) state and local fiscal recovery fund to bolster the local workforce.
Annual County Investments Using all Revenue Sources
The graph shows all investments by county governments, using funds generated from utilities, liquor stores, social insurance trust, and general revenues (which include property taxes). The figures shown represent FY 2017 data
Counties Support Education & Workforce Development
Counties support the public education system through various mechanisms, including an annual investment of $103 billion.
Total county education investments, including elementary and secondary education, higher education, current operations, construction, other capital outlay and intergovernmental transfers.
Counties also support workforce development in our communities and are involved in 90 percent of workforce development boards, and employ 1 in 50 Americans.
Counties Support Housing Affordability
Housing challenges are a longstanding issue. High housing costs are placing great financial stress on individuals and families.
Counties invest $12.8 billion annually in the construction, operation and support of housing and redevelopment projects.
Additionally, counties are key players in community planning, land use, zoning and enacting policies and other regulations that affect housing.
The County Role in Justice & Public Safety
Counties are the backbone of the justice and public safety system, operating 91 percent of local jails, which processed 7.3 million admissions in 2022.
County elected officials influence the criminal justice system by passing ordinances, establishing policies, selecting program administrators and staff and making crucial funding decisions that directly and indirectly impact the system.
Annual County Investments in Justice & Public Safety
The graph shows all investments by county governments, using funds generated from utilities, liquor stores, social insurance trust, and general revenues (which include property taxes). The figures shown represent FY 2017 data
Emergency Response & Preparedness
Counties are the first line of response in an emergency, engaging in all aspects and phases of emergency
management: planning, preparation, mitigation, response and recovery. As the regularity and costs of disasters increase, counties are working hard to protect our residents, property, infrastructure.
Disasters have profound impacts on communities across the U.S., highlighting the need for county government leadership and intergovernmental partnerships to ensure local communities are ready to respond when a disaster strikes.
Federally Declared Disasters
Number of Federally Declared Disasters by County Between 2000 and 2023
Over the past two decades, natural and man-made disasters have increased in frequency, severity and cost. In 2023, the nation experienced 28 separate billion-dollar disasters, totaling approximately $92.9 billion in damages.
County Veteran Service Officers
County Veteran Service Officers (CVSOs) – which operate in 29 states plus the District of Columbia – help veterans access a range of service-connected federal benefits. These federal benefits include health care, disability, pension, compensation and transition assistance programs.
Though CVSOs’ primary focus is helping veterans navigate the federal benefits system, these offices are currently funded almost entirely by counties. CVSOs help veterans claim more than $52 billion in federal VA benefits each year.
Additional Resources
Below explore a curated selection from our resource library that further detail the critical roles and responsibilities of counties.
NACo Data on County Services
- Planning & Zoning (table)
- County Authority Over Planning & Zoning (map)
- County Authority Over Planning, Zoning & Permitting (Breakdown by Share of Counties) (graph)
- Community & Economic Development (table)
- Housing & Community Development Expenditures (map)
- County Role in Community & Economic Development (Breakdown by Share of Counties) (graph)
NACo's County Governance Project provides in-depth analysis of county roles and responsibilities. Click below for a selection of maps and charts highlighting county services, scroll down for deep dives by issue area and click here to access the full County Governance Project.
Key Resource for this Module
NACo produces original research and civic engagement tools to tell the county story, including a full suite of tools diving deep on county authority, structure and finances.
For all of NACo's civic enagement tools, click here.
County Governance Project
A comprehensive guide to county government structure, authority, services and finances
Counties Matter: Stronger Counties. Stronger America.
Educate the public on the crucial role of counties with a national overview explaining key county functions
America's County Governments: A Short Primer on Our History, Definitions, Structures and Authorities
An in-depth look into the history of counties, our authority and structure, key county services and responsibilities and the intergovernmental partnership
The County Landscape
A detailed look at the role of counties through the lens of national and county-level data
Explore Counties 101
Each module is Counties 101 dives deep on a key facet how counties function, provide critical services and work with the other branches of government in our nation's system of federalism.
What are counties?
This question is the first step in learning about county governments and our collective impact on our communities and the lives of residents. Counties are one of America’s oldest forms of government, are key partners in our nation's system of federalism and provide critical services.
County structure, authority and finances
Counties are governed by locally elected officials, including more than 19,350 county elected executives and board members responsible for counties’ budgets, policies and oversight. In general, states authorize and set the roles and responsibilities of county governments. Explore how counties differ across the nation and how that affects the delivery of critical services to our residents.
County Roles & Responsibilities
All counties share the vision of achieving health, safe and vibrant counties across America. We are responsible for maintaining roads and bridges, caring for our physical and mental health, administering elections, ensuring public safety, strengthening environmental stewardship, and so much more.
Counties and the Intergovernmental Partnership
Counties are uniquely positioned to implement and administer vital intergovernmental systems, facilitate cooperation of all levels of government, and deliver results and impact for our residents and businesses at the community level.
Telling the County Story
Find tools to highlight the ways counties touch our everyday lives and act as key intergovernmental partners.
Counties Work Game & Curriculum
NACo, together with iCivics, has created a full curriculum to educate students, grades 6 through 12, about the important role and functions of county government. The curriculum and online game assist teachers with preparing lessons on county government.