County Countdown – June 3, 2024

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Every other week, NACo’s County Countdown reviews top federal policy advocacy items with an eye towards counties and the intergovernmental partnership.

Watch the video above and explore NACo resources below.

Farm Bill

Congress is advancing on the Farm Bill reauthorization, with consensus on key elements beneficial to rural development and federal nutrition programs.

  • County priorities: Both the U.S. House and Senate agree on crucial funding for rural and nutrition programs, with the House proposing a three-year extension for the Secure Rural Schools program.
  • Take action: As this bill moves through the legislative process, read about county priorities for the Farm Bill and make sure your member of Congress knows where your county stands.

Michelle Alyssa Go Act

NACo endorses the Michelle Alyssa Go Act to expand Medicaid-eligible psychiatric care, addressing gaps in mental health and substance use disorder treatment.

  • Legislative focus: The bill aims to modernize the outdated Institutions for Mental Disease exclusion, facilitating better access to long-term psychiatric care.
  • Bipartisan progress: This legislation represents a significant bipartisan effort to enhance mental health services and lower barriers to comprehensive treatment.
  • NACo's advocacy: By supporting this bill, NACo highlights the urgent need to remove federal restrictions that hinder effective mental health services.

AI and Election Administration

As counties prepare for the 2024 General Election, NACo is working with our federal partners to ensure election officials have the resources necessary to address risks and leverage opportunities related to artificial intelligence (AI).

HOME Program Updates

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) new rule aims to modernize the HOME Investment Partnership Program, enhancing counties' ability to address the housing affordability crisis.

  • About HOME: The program provides formula grants to counties and states and is used to build, buy, or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership, as well as fund direct rental assistance to low-income individuals.
  • Proposed changes: The rule introduces significant modifications to streamline funding application and implementation.
  • Public feedback: Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on the proposed changes by July 29, 2024.

Featured This Week

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House, Senate Agriculture Committees release frameworks for 2024 Farm Bill Reauthorization

After months of negotiations and gridlock, lawmakers on the House and Senate Agriculture Committees have released competing frameworks for the 2024 Farm Bill.

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Senate Rules Committee considers elections and AI legislation ahead of 2024 General Elections

Senate Rules Committee held business meeting on May 15 to markup and consider legislation on the role of artificial intelligence in elections.


HUD issues proposed rule to modernize the HOME program

On May 29, HUD issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modernize the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and enable counties to implement funding more efficiently.

Related News

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Ten states added to the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Medicaid Demonstration Program

On June 4, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through CMS and SAMHSA, announced that ten new states have joined the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Medicaid Demonstration Program.

Upcoming Events

utility worker

Powerful Partnerships: How Coal Communities and Utility Companies are Working Together

Join the BRECC National Network this July and learn how utility providers and local governments are working together to mitigate and respond to economic shocks. 


Building a Behavioral Health Continuum of Care: The Role of Rural Leaders and Behavioral Health Directors

This webinar is hosted by the National Association of Counties (NACo) in partnership with the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Development Disability Directors (NACBHDD).


Prevention to Treatment: Substance Use Disorder Solution Strategies

Our discussion will cover what's available, what's currently working, differences in approach, and potential strategies for various populations including the underserved population.