County Countdown – December 16, 2024

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Every other week, NACo's County Countdown reviews top federal policy advocacy items with an eye towards counties and the intergovernmental partnership.

Priorities during the lame duck Congress

During this lame duck session, Congress has a laundry list of items that must be addressed by the end of the year that are critical to counties, including:  

  • Federal appropriations to fund government operations and critical programs through fiscal year 2025, with the current funding bill expiring on Friday, December 20 
  • Supplemental disaster relief funding to address recovery needs from recent natural disasters
  • Reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration, which would help local communities achieve long-term economic growth based on local and regional priorities 
  • Passage of the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 which would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision that reduces the social security benefits of the retirees that have also earned a government pension 
  • Reauthorization of the Farm Bill to ensure continuity of agricultural, nutrition and rural development programs  

These legislative actions are essential to sustaining local services, supporting economic development and addressing the needs of vulnerable populations in counties across the nation.

American Rescue Plan Act obligation deadline

With the December 31, 2024 deadline for obligating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) quickly approaching, counties nationwide are assessing how best to allocate any remaining funds. 

  • Key implication: The deadline means counties must not only allocate these funds but also have contractual commitments in place before the year ends. 
  • NACo support: NACo hosted recently hosted the second in a series of webinars providing insight on how counties may efficiently obligate funds. The final webinar will be hosted this week on Dec. 18 at 12:30 p.m. EST.
  • About ARPA: Passed in 2021, the ARPA SLFRF provided $65.1 billion in direct, flexible aid to counties across the United States, offering a unique opportunity to respond to immediate pandemic-related needs, support long-term recovery and strengthen community resilience.

Reauthorization of workforce development legislation

Congress is negotiating the reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Last month, the U.S. House unveiled a bicameral agreement to reauthorize WIOA, which included key provisions that would impact counties’ ability to support jobseekers and employers within our communities. 

  • NACo advocacy: NACo and our partners expressed concerns about the reauthorization legislation, citing risks from redesignating local workforce areas, federal mandates limiting flexibility for vulnerable populations and increasing the governor's set-aside, which could reduce local workforce resources. 
  • Take action: Reach out to your members of Congress and advocate for changes that protect local flexibility and resources while supporting enhancements to workforce education and training programs.

Reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools program

Counties are applauding the U.S. Senate passage of the Secure Rural Schools Reauthorization (SRS) Act last month. The U.S. House needs to pass this bill for our forest counties to receive the support they need.

  • House action needed: Please urge your House Representatives to pass this bill today so counties can provide essential services like infrastructure, education and fire suppression. 
  • SRS impact: SRS supports over 700 counties, and without reauthorization some will experience severe budgetary shortfalls, affecting the delivery of vital services.

New NACo Regional Artificial Intelligence Forum series

NACo is launching a new Artificial Intelligence Regional Forum series to provide local government leaders and staff with essential insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. 

  • AI from a county perspective: The forum will cover the foundations of AI, explore federal and state policy developments, highlight private-sector innovations and include hands-on exercises and breakout discussions on data governance and practical applications. 
  • When and where: The first event in this series will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at the Texas Association of Counties office in Travis County, Texas. Additional forums in the series will be hosted throughout 2025 in NACo’s Northeast, Central and West Regions.

Featured This Week

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County priorities in the lame duck session: Key advocacy efforts for local leaders

NACo is actively collaborating with Congress and the administration to advance key county issues.

Aerial view of Boiling Springs, S.C.

Countdown to the ARPA SLFRF obligation deadline: What counties need to know before December 31, 2024

With the December 31, 2024 deadline for obligating ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds quickly approaching, counties nationwide are assessing how best to allocate these critical resources. 

Engineering apprentices at a training presentation

Congressional movement on flawed workforce reauthorization legislation

The U.S. House Education and Workforce and U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee leadership released their bipartisan, bicameral agreement to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – A Stronger Workforce for America Act. Congressional leadership is now working to gain support for the negotiated bill text during the lame duck session.  

School bus

U.S. Senate passes Secure Rural Schools reauthorization

The Senate unanimously passed the Secure Rural Schools Reauthorization Act of 2023 (S.2581), a major milestone for supporting our forested counties.


NACo AI Regional Forum Series

The NACo AI Regional Forum series is convening local government elected officials, appointed officers, department heads, and staff across different geographical regions to provide an educational, hands-on symposium on the landscape of artificial intelligence.

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Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) Loses Federal Funding

On March 11, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced a $10 million cut in funding for the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), which provides critical local assistance for cybersecurity threat detection and analysis resources and support.

Upcoming Events

Developing America's Workforce

Bridging the Generational Divide in the County Workforce, a NACo EDGE Webinar

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 |  1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

Leading multiple generations in the county workforce can be quite challenging. Even the most experienced leaders in local government are realizing anew the importance of situational awareness and individualized consideration and applying strategies that bridge generational divides to provide value across all generations. 

Join your peers in this webinar in which Dr. Tim Rahschulte will explain the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce and provide practical strategies for bridging the divide and creating increased collaboration among your team. Dr. Tim will outline the characteristics and values of each generation represented in our workforce today, share common stereotypes associated with each generation and detail how they can impact workforce dynamics. Importantly, strategies will be shared for building a culture of inclusion and understanding, techniques for promoting open communication, creating opportunities for cross-generational collaboration and leveraging the strengths of each generation for the benefit of each person in your workforce and each customer they serve in your community. As part of this conversation, we will explore together ways to address conflicts that arise due to generational differences and how to foster a workplace culture that values individual contribution and collaboration.

This webinar is brought to you by NACo EDGE, establishing people, purchasing, and performance cost-saving solutions that can be applied to counties nationwide. EDGE is owned by NACo, advised by county leaders and 100% focused on solutions for U.S. Counties. Learn more about NACo EDGE here.


white house

NACo Membership Series: First 100 Days, Week 9

Join NACo for week nine of a membership series providing timely updates and analysis on key developments during the first 100 days of the Trump administration. These calls will focus on policies and actions that directly impact counties, including federal funding, regulations and intergovernmental partnerships. Join us to stay informed on how these changes may shape county priorities and operations.

A blue paper boat leads ahead of rows of white paper boats

Chart Your Course: Digital Learning Resources for the County Workforce #2

Advance your digital learning strategy! Join us as we continue in our "Chart Your Course" digital learning program. Discover how multiple counties are successfully implementing Microsoft's online learning platform to enhance staff development and set requirements for access to GenAI tools, like Copilot. Gain actionable insights and best practices.