Large Urban County Caucus

The premier forum for urban county leaders and is the voice for America’s metropolitan counties before Congress and the Administration

About LUCC

America’s urban counties play a prominent role in 160 MILLION RESIDENTS’ LIVES every day. We foster conditions for economic strength, build and maintain transportation systems and critical infrastructure, promote community health and well-being, champion justice and public safety and implement a broad portfolio of federal, state and local programs.

The National Association of Counties (NACo) Large Urban County Caucus, or “LUCC,” is the premier forum for urban county leaders and is the voice for America’s metropolitan counties before Congress and the Administration. Comprised of county executives, governing board members and other senior elected officials, LUCC members focus on urban challenges and solutions, engage in peer-to-peer information exchanges and inform national policy discussions. 

Related Programs & Initiatives

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NACo Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing

(2023-2024) Counties increasingly handle direct mental health services, acting as the safety net for vulnerable residents and operating crisis lines, hospitals and detention centers. NACo’s Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing developed reports and united county leaders to address the mental health crisis through four key policy priorities.

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NACo Housing Task Force

(2022-2023) NACo’s Housing Affordability Task Force examined housing challenges and highlighted county-led solutions to address the housing affordability and inventory crisis. The task force identified intergovernmental and public-private strategies to enhance housing affordability and stability.

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Connecting Counties & Military Installations

The U.S. Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative Program helps manage encroachment and incompatible development near military installations. The program forms partnerships that protect military operations from restrictive development and strengthens long-term relationships between the Department of Defense and counties.

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Opioid Solutions Center

NACo's Opioid Solutions Center empowers local leaders to invest resources in effective treatment, recovery, prevention and harm reduction practices that save lives and address the underlying causes of substance use disorder.

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LUCC Chair

View all LUCC Steering Committee members here.

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Hon. David Crowley

County Executive, Milwaukee County, Wis.

LUCC Contact

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Blaire Bryant

Legislative Director, Health | Large Urban County Caucus

LUCC Counties