CNCounty News

Tech Town Hall: Retired general says ‘counties on front lines’

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Retired general: There's no cyber cavalry system coming over the hill to help your compromised system

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen presented a sobering picture July 22 at the Tech Town Hall. America, he said, is threatened by state and non-state actors intent on penetrating the nation’s institutions in order to sow suspicion and discredit institutions at the heart of democracy such as America’s electoral system.  

Allen, a four-star general, served 45 years in military service, including stints as deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, and commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan.

There is no doubt in his mind that Russia breached election systems in 39 states before last November’s election and hacked the email accounts of 120 election officials the night before the election began.

In a wide-ranging presentation, he showed how a group of nations and non-state actors, he labeled the “4 + 1 + 1” — Russia, China, Iran and North Korea plus ISIS plus transnational criminal organizations — have taken to cyber warfare for profit and power.

North Korea, for example, was behind the world’s largest ransomware attack in May, the WannaCry virus. China, too, has engaged in cybercrime, breaking into 115 U.S. corporate IT systems and stealing unsecured information. “Don’t be surprised if China’s new J-20 fighter jet looks a lot like our F-22,” he said.

Iran is thought to have 150,000 individuals engaged in cyber warfare and espionage, while ISIS cunningly uses social media to recruit members and confuse opponents.

But the greater threat comes from Russia. “Russia has the know-how and experience to execute a future disruptive attack on U.S. elections,” he said. Its “intent is to penetrate to the lowest level of the American voting systems.”

Russia also probes the country’s SCADA systems looking for weaknesses. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control plants or equipment in critical industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation.

“They’ll go where we’re weak and plant beacons in the system to report back on its continuing vulnerability.” In military terms, “what we’re seeing is preparation of the battlespace.”

This all leaves America’s counties on the front lines with little hope of help from the federal government, he said. “There’s not yet a cyber cavalry system — no one’s coming over the hill to help you when your systems have been compromised.”

He left the Tech Town Hall audience with one last message:

 “Our democracy is under attack and you are the people who will defend it.”


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DHS Announces new Funding for the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

On September 23, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new funding round for the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP). The SLGCP provides $1 billion over four years to state, local, and tribal governments to implement cybersecurity plans and build resilience against emerging threats as a part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) 

This year’s allocation is $279.9 million, notably less than the fiscal year 23 (FY23) allocation of $375 million. Applications for funds must be submitted by December 2, 2024. Eligible entities for this program are state governments, and the program structure design allows for local governments to receive 80% of the funding via either pass-through funding or in-kind services. Counties should be advised that eligible entities may request counties to contribute to the non-federal cost-share element of a state’s application, which for this grant year is 30% for a single-entity applicant or 20% for a multi-entity applicant.  

Slight changes have come to the SLCGP for FY2024, including broadening the criteria for applications. In FY22 and FY23, state and local governments were limited to specific objectives of the program, where now applications can focus on any of these four objectives:  

  1. Develop and establish appropriate governance structures, including developing, implementing, or revising cybersecurity plans, to improve capabilities to respond to cybersecurity incidents and ensure continuity of operations 

  2. Understand their current cybersecurity posture and areas for improvement based on continuous testing, evaluation, and structured assessments 

  3. Implement security protections commensurate with risk 

  4. Ensure organization personnel are appropriately trained in cybersecurity, commensurate with responsibility 

The SLCGP requires that 25 percent of state allocations must benefit rural areas. Local and state governments have 48 months to complete projects and expend allocated funds.  The BIL provided funding for four years, with FY 25 being the last year of the program.  

NACo encourages counties to coordinate with statewide cyber planning committees to prepare a proposal for the program. NACo will continue to monitor the program and update counties with any developments 


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