Counties Welcome Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

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WASHINGTON – The National Association of Counties (NACo) praised the introduction of bipartisan legislation to help address infrastructure needs across America. The agreement reached today includes surface transportation reauthorization and other infrastructure, including water, stormwater and broadband projects.
NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase said:
Counties applaud lawmakers for their leadership and commitment to reaching bipartisan consensus to invest in our nation’s infrastructure and help to rebuild our economy. We appreciate our Senate champions who developed comprehensive legislation that invests in locally owned infrastructure and preserves local decision-making.
“Counties play a major role in maintaining critical infrastructure. We own 44 percent of the nation’s road miles and nearly 40 percent of all bridges. We are also involved in the vast majority of public transportation systems and a third of all public airports. Beyond transportation, counties are responsible for the operation of local water systems, broadband deployment and ensuring the safety and resiliency of our local communities.
“Counties appreciate increases in flexible grant programs, the creation of a new bridge investment program and meaningful commitments to transportation safety. Additionally, raising the cap on Private Activity Bonds will facilitate the construction of infrastructure projects that will enhance the quality of life for many residents.
“We are also pleased to see historic investments in high-speed internet, as counties advance efforts to expand access to affordable broadband in every corner of the country.
“America’s counties are ready to work with our bipartisan congressional partners and the Biden-Harris administration to pass this much-needed legislation.”
Learn more about NACo’s transportation and infrastructure priorities here.