Counties Support Bipartisan Legislation Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program

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WASHINGTON – The National Association of Counties (NACo) today issued a statement of support for bicameral, bipartisan legislation reforming the National Flood Insurance Program. The National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization (NFIP-RE) Act of 2023 would ensure five years of reliable support for county residents through the program, in addition to other reforms recognizing the importance of partnership and collaboration among the levels of government. 

NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase said: 

The bipartisan National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Act would provide much-needed long-term certainty and key reforms that would benefit counties and our residents. Counties look forward to five years of continuous operation and greater stability for policyholders.

“Additionally, the bill caps annual premium increases and incorporates affordability provisions for low- and middle-income policyholders – provisions that ensure greater access to flood insurance. Measures like increased investments in flood mitigation and heightened transparency on FEMA’s new risk rating system are also improvements that account for the needs of today’s residents. 

“Counties thank Senators Menendez and Cassidy for their leadership, and we look forward to working with our bipartisan congressional partners to secure passage of this legislation.”

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.) added:

Reforming the NFIP means making it affordable again. We need to ensure families are not priced out of the program. Our bill works to make the flood insurance program affordable and accessible for the homeowner, accountable to the taxpayer, and sustainable for the future.” 

Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) added: 

Congress can no longer afford to punt long-term reauthorization and reform of the NFIP. It’s time to put policyholders first and address the longstanding systemic issues with the program that came under the national spotlight in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. With disastrous flooding events becoming all the more common, we must work to create a more sustainable, resilient, and affordable flood insurance program that invests in prevention and mitigation efforts, all while ensuring hard-working Americans can have peace of mind in the event of a disaster.” 

For more information about the National Flood Insurance Program, click here