2022 NACo Achievement Awards

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The application period has closed.Questions? NACo is here to help. Please email awards@naco.org with any questions. |
What is the Achievement Awards Program?
The Achievement Awards program is a non-competitive awards program that seeks to recognize innovative county government programs. One outstanding program from each category will be selected as the “Best of Category.”
Eligibility & Criteria
What is Required to Apply?
For each program nominated, general information, program summaries and payments must be must be submitted to the National Association of Counties (NACo) via the online application portal and payments processed via P.O. must be postmarked by the application deadline. For more information, please see the HOW TO APPLY section. Judging and review will not take place for unpaid or incomplete applications.
Who is Eligible to Submit Applications?
Only county governments and state associations of counties are eligible to submit applications. There is no limit to the number of applications that can be submitted by a single entity. Regional partners are welcome to submit applications for a collective project; however submitters must identify a single county or state association to submit the application on the group’s behalf.
What are the Eligibility Standards?
- The start date of the program must be explicitly stated; the program must have become operational after January 1, 2017 and must have measurable results.
- County officials and/or staff, as part of their official duties, must have played a significant role in developing and implementing the program, with limited assistance from outside technical experts and/or consultants.
- All steps in the application process must be completed and all application fees must be paid in full by March 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
- The program must meet the conditions outlined in the next section, Program Criteria.
Program Criteria
In order to be eligible for an Achievement Award, all programs must meet the following criteria:
Programs must accomplish one or more of the following:
- Offer new services to county residents, fill gaps in the availability of services, fill gaps in or tap new revenue sources
- Improve the administration of an existing county government program
- Upgrade the working conditions or level of training for county employees. Enhance the level of citizen participation in, or the understanding of, government programs
- Provide information that facilitates effective public policy making
- Promote intergovernmental cooperation and coordination in addressing shared problems
In the case of a program that is in response to a federal or state law, regulation or order, the program must go beyond mere compliance with the statute, regulation or order and must display a creative approach to meeting those requirements.
- The program must have measurable results (e.g. cost savings, enhanced employee productivity, improved constituent services, created better intergovernmental cooperation).
- The program must be innovative and not rely on techniques or procedures that are common practice in most counties of similar population or size.
- All aspects of the program must be consistent with acceptable governmental and financial management practices and must promote general governmental accountability.
Ineligible Programs Include:
- Programs designed to influence laws or regulations
- Certification or accreditation programs
- Events that ONLY take place one time, such as conducting a conference, the formation of a task force or the establishment of a committee
- Programs that are adopted, whole or in part, from other public or private entities
- Programs, whole or in part, that have received a previous NACo Achievement Award
- Programs that center on the purchase of new technology or equipment, the construction of a building or the privatization/contracting out of a function
- A newsletter or a publication
![]() TIPS
How to Apply
To begin the application process, click here. In order to submit a 2022 Achievement Award, you must have NACo log-in information. If you do not have a NACo log-in, you may create one following the instructions on the application portal.
Step One: Preparing the Nomination Summary
Please prepare your nomination summary according to the outline of sections below.
Abstract of the Program:
In approximately 200 words or less, summarize the program include the program description, the purpose and outcomes.
Abstracts of award winning programs will be published. Please be sure to provide clear and concise information as this section will be used publicly in whatever format it is submitted.
The Problem or Need for the Program
Discuss the problem or need that prompted the development of the program and the county’s legal obligation, if any, to take action. Approximately ¼ pages.
Description of the Program
Provide a description of the nominated program including its objectives, time frame for development and implementation, clientele, the county’s role in implementing the program and the contributions of any other partners where applicable (e.g. states and the federal government, consultants and private partnerships). Approximately 2 ½ pages.
Responding to Economic Downturn (Optional)
If applicable, describe how the program responded to county budget constraints or addressed the county’s new economic reality. Approximately ¾ pages.
Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Optional)
To ensure all residents have what they need to achieve their fullest potential, county leaders are taking actions to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into county operations.
If applicable, describe how the program advances diversity, equity and inclusion priorities within the county or addresses existing racial and socioeconomic disparities. Approximately ¾ page.
The Cost of the Program
Describe both the operating and capital costs incurred in developing and implementing the program. List all costs that would be incurred by a county attempting to replicate the program. Approximately ¾ to 1 page.
The Results/Success of the Program
Provide a description of the results and the success of the program in meeting its objectives. Include specific examples and outcome measures. Approximately ¾ to 1 page.
Worthiness of Award
Give justification for why this program meets the outlined criteria and should be awarded a 2022 Achievement Award(s). Approximately ¼ to ½ page.
Supplemental Materials (Optional)
Supplemental materials such as pictures and charts may be uploaded in separate PDF documents on the application form. Supplemental materials are not required but are highly encouraged.
Achievement Award Categories
Step Two: Submit Your Entry Information
Contact Information
The individual listed as the contact in the application should be the primary point of contact for this program. All correspondence and logistical communications about the program will be directed to the person listed on the application. Applications for the 2022 Achievement Awards Program will be submitted online.
To complete the application process, each person must have a log in (your email address). If your email address is not registered in the NACo database or if your county is not a NACo member, please follow the directions to create a log in. Once logged in, your contact information will automatically populate the online application form.
**If you are submitting the application on behalf of another person in your county, please be sure to indicate the other person as the PRIMARY POINT OF CONTACT at this time so that we can reach the appropriate party with programmatic questions.
Program Information
Should your program win an award, the program title you provide will appear, exactly as it was submitted, on the certificate as well as any media channels. The title should be no more than 75 characters and shoud not
include the name of the county.
Program Category
Please choose one category from the drop down list on the online application. Note that the selection of a program category should be determined by the content of the program, not the organizational department implementing it. If you feel your application fits into two or more categories, please choose one that best covers the main topic area of the program.
Please submit the abstract that was drafted as part of the nomination summary (200 words or less).
Terms and Conditions
All applicants must agree to the terms and conditions listed on the application page in order to continue with the application process. By agreeing to these terms, the county certifies that this program is operated as described in the submitted award application.
Payment Options
The fee for each application submitted before March 4, 2022 is $75. The fee for each application will increase to $100 from March 5-March 31, 2022 (deadline extended to April 15, 2022). Any application received without payment will not be judged or awarded.
Payment by credit card may be made through our online application system. Once payment is submitted, a receipt will be emailed to the email address provided. If you are unable to pay the application fee via credit card, we can assist in processing payment by check, voucher or purchase order. Please complete your application through the online system, and then email awards@naco.org for further assistance.
Important DatesSubmission Deadline – EXTENDED: Notifications of Achievement Awards: |