Millrace Dry Pond Retrofit

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Anne Arundel County, Md., MD

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About the Program

Category: Parks and Recreation (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

The Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration (BWPR) identified the Millrace stormwater management facility as an ideal candidate for a retrofit within the existing footprint. This project transformed an outdated and overwhelmed dry detention stormwater facility into a thriving wetland ecosystem and proper recreational area. Through the application of innovative and cost-effective techniques this project accomplished the complementary goals of stormwater management, water quality enhancement, habitat creation, and public engagement. Stream/Wetland Restoration: -Achieved the maximum extent of Water Quality Volume possible for this facility, which treats almost 100% of the runoff draining to the site (2.75 acre-feet, total drainage area of 46.8 acres) -Incorporated active and passive recreational areas including 75-foot by 175-foot playfield, an ADA-compliant permeable paver pathway, and rest/reflection benches -19 equivalent impervious acres of stormwater runoff treated -Annual prevented pollutant loads of 231 pounds nitrogen, 24.4 pounds phosphorus, and 14,000 pounds suspended solids -Eradication of existing invasive plant species on-site -Planting of 29 different species of native pollinator plants