Emergency Tracking System
2018 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Alameda County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Risk and Emergency Management (Best in Category)
Year: 2018
Alameda County played a significant role in helping to battle the destructive wildfires that occurred in Northern California in October of 2017. Various county agencies/departments were involved in providing staff and coordination for Fire and Rescue, Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Public Health and Medical Mutual Aid services. The estimated cost for the deployments was almost three million dollars. The majority of these expenditures were for the Alameda County Fire Department. In the midst of the deployments of Alameda County Resources for the emergency, it became evident that it was difficult for senior County Management and Administrators to get a clear view and understanding of the resources that were currently deployed. At this point, the Information Technology Department (ITD) was asked to quickly implement a high-level solution that agencies/departments could use to track the use of County resources. This application was developed by ITD on the Salesforce force.com platform, deployed to production and in use within 24 hours.