2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Los Angeles County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Human Services (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) serves as the intermediary for the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) in providing oversight, billing, technical assistance, and training to third party providers participating in the CalFresh Employment & Training (CFET) Skill Up Los Angeles (LA) program. The purpose of the program is to assist third party providers in leveraging the federal 50/50 CFET reimbursement of eligible CFET allowable services. In turn, third party providers can reinvest the reimbursed funds to expand their CFET eligible activities and the organizationâs financial stability. This allows Los Angeles (LA) County to grow workforce and training programs for low-income communities, reach more CalFresh participants, and improve employment outcomes for LA County residents. During the first quarter of federal fiscal year (FFY) 2023, DEO has seen a growth rate of 58.77% in reimbursements compared to the closeout of FFY 2022. Also, within just the first quarter, third party providers were able to assist 225 customers compared to the 211 customers served in the entirety of the 2022 FFY.