Counties leading the way in advancing their administration of criminal justice generally have one common denominator—a formalized body to provide input and direction to county decision makers for the improvement of their criminal legal system. Often these are referred to as a criminal justice coordinating council (“CJCC”). NACo's CJCC resource hub provides valuable information for counties working toward developing their own CJCC or looking to strengthen an existing CJCC.

This hub was developed in partnership with the National Criminal Justice Association.

Virtual Learning

MeckCo Speakers on a Panel

Unlock the Power of CJCCs: Enhancing Your County's Justice System

Whether you're looking to create a CJCC from scratch or enhance an existing one, discover the invaluable insights needed to make your county's justice system more efficient, fair and just.


Unlock the Power of CJCCs: Responsive Policies Through Community Engagement

In this webinar, NACo explores how ongoing and consistent community engagement enhances the impact of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs) and how these bodies can serve as effective tools for county leaders to actively involve their residents. Learn from real-world examples and discover strategies to create a more responsive and inclusive criminal legal system.

Briefs and Reports

Panel discussion

Unlock the Power of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils: Enhance Your County's Justice System

 Balancing public safety with innovative and cost-effective policies and programs can reduce over-reliance on jails and other aspects of the local justice system when alternative options may prove to be a better response.

Partner Resources

National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils

Developed by the National Institute of Corrections, the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils is a comprehensive framework for the formation and ongoing management of criminal justice coordinating councils (CJCCs). These standards represent the accumulation of practical knowledge on CJCCs, and they outline practices and protocols deemed highly effective in operating a high-functioning council.

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Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

This document provides guidelines for establishing a local criminal justice coordinating committee (CJCC). It describes CJCCs and provides specific guidance for their development and operation.

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CJCC Essential Elements: A Companion to the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils

This companion publication to the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils describes each essential element and key factors that indicate the presence of the element. This publication provides a checklist for CJCCs, along with a CJCC essential elements assessment tool. Both the checklist and the essential elements assessment tool are designed to assist jurisdictions seeking to form a CJCC, by providing a framework of effective practices. For jurisdictions with an existing CJCC, the essential elements assessment tool serves as an instrument for assessing the health and effectiveness of their council.

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CJCC Document Examples and Templates

This National Institute of Corrections webpage links to examples and templates of key CJCC documents including bylaws, charters, meeting agendas and memorandums of understanding. 

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National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils

Administered by the Justice Management Institute (JMI), the National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (NNCJCC) empowers CJCCs to drive positive change through knowledge sharing, advocacy and innovation. It advocates for CJCC directors leading systemic initiatives and serves as a resource for jurisdictions looking to establish or sustain an effective CJCC.

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National Survey of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils

This publication presents findings from a national survey of criminal justice coordinating council (CJCC) directors and members. It is one of a series of publications aimed at enhancing the literature about CJCCs and highlighting their purpose and value in shaping local justice systems. 

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County Countdown – February 11, 2025

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Program Contact

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Ronin Davis

Senior Program Manager, Justice