Mike Brouwer
Criminal Justice Coordinator, Johnson County, Kan.
About Mike Brouwer
Mike Brouwer, MEd is a criminal justice coordinator for Johnson County, Kansas. Mike began his career working in community mental health, providing those services in the Johnson County Jail for 7 years. He later served as the team leader for reentry under the Second Chance Act grant. From Johnson County, Mike worked for Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for seven years, helping to start the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. He became the criminal justice coordinator for Douglas County in 2019. The Douglas County Reentry Program has received national recognition by the NIC, SAMSHA, Vera Institute and CSG Justice Center. Mike returned to Johnson County a year ago as Criminal Justice Coordinator. He served on the steering committee for Johnson County’s Sequential Intercept Project, managed multiple BJA grants and was on the governor’s Reentry Policy Council. He now serves on the governor’s Behavioral Health Services Planning Council Subcommittee and chairs the Mental Health Services in Jails Work Group which led to the establishment of the Kansas Stepping Up Initiative Technical Assistance Center. Both Johnson and Douglas Counties have been recognized by Stepping Up as a National Innovator County.