Mark O'Mara
Director of Recovery, Hagerty Consulting
About Mark O'Mara
Mark O’Mara serves as Hagerty’s Director of Recovery. Mark is an experienced Disaster Recovery Project Manager with over 13 years of experience in developing, managing and leading the formulation and administration of over $15B of grants. Mark holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Tennessee, USGBC LEED Building Design and Construction accreditation and a specialty in Historic Preservation. After Hurricane Katrina, Mark led recovery operations for over $150 million of school, hospital and city projects. Currently Mark manages a multi-disciplined team including architects, engineers, cost estimators, SMEs, and programmatic advisors. Together they manage the successful formulation, reconciliation, draw down and eventual close out of approximately $9 billion of eligible FEMA Public Assistance (PA) reimbursement for New York City and New York / New Jersey Port Authority to offset damage suffered during Hurricane Sandy. Mark’s expertise also includes applying for and managing Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grants – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grants (over $4B to date).