Joanna Pinkerton
Chief Operating Officer, Transportation Research Center, Inc.
About Joanna Pinkerton
In June 2017, Ms. Pinkerton joined Transportation Research Center (TRC) where she oversees a team responsible for advancing research into smart mobility, including connected and autonomous vehicles and other critical aspects that will ensure the safety and sustainability of future transportation systems. She has worked in public, private and academic organizations, and possesses deep expertise of how the operations of such entities can be leveraged to develop unique partnerships for faster delivery and economic gain. Before to being appointed to serve at the TRC, Ms. Pinkerton was the Co-Director of the Honda-Ohio State Partnership where she worked with the college, university, industry and state executive teams to develop long-term strategies for utilization and growth of the university's transportation expertise and assets. She first joined the University in 2012 as the chief operating officer at the OSU Center for Automotive Research, one of the university’s largest research enterprises. Prior to joining Ohio State, Pinkerton served as the first person at the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) responsible for identifying and implementing prioritization of transportation investments to support growth in manufacturing and logistics industries. Her career in transportation investment has included engineering responsibilities in Union County (Marysville, Ohio) where she supported development and investment projects along the NW US33 Innovation Corridor, home to many significant automotive and high-tech companies. She shares her passion for both the arts and STEM-related education as a board member and volunteer for several groups in Central Ohio where she is involved in providing mentorship and funding for both artistic and advanced technology programs in K-12 schools. Joanna holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Ohio Northern University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio.