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Hon. Seth Martin

Commissioner, Curry County, N.M.

About Hon. Seth Martin

Seth Martin is a fourth generation farmer, small business owner, elected county official, and deacon at his local congregation. His family settled and began farming Curry County in 1906 and have continued to work its land since.

In 2017 Seth was appointed to the Curry County Commission, which he was re-elected to in 2018 and 2020. As a Commissioner Seth has represented his county as a member of The National Sorghum Growers Association, as a vice-chair of the Community, Economic, and Workforce Development Steering Committee for the National Association of Counties, as an elected member of the Western Interstate Region for NACo, and at numerous conferences across the western states and in D.C.. His interests lie in preserving the industries that make New Mexico great and bettering its communities for generations to come.