Erin Dalton
Director, Allegheny County Department of Human Services
About Erin Dalton
Erin Dalton is the Director of the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, which works to strengthen families and communities through a network of social services, care and support. DHS serves over 200,000 people each year through its community-based programs that prevent harm and address needs for family support and child development, developmental supports, senior services, housing, and protection from maltreatment.
Ms. Dalton previously directed DHS’s analytics, planning, and information technology functions. She was recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in integrated data and analytics, including in using predictive risk models to bring critical information to front line staff so they could make better decisions, as well as in the unique information-sharing partnerships she built. Her years of experience in leading systems improvements earned her a reputation for expertise in child protection, housing, and criminal justice systems, as well as being a leader who relies upon community engagement to understand needs and strengths and to design solutions. Her experiences prior to joining DHS, including working for the violence prevention initiative, One Vision One Life, and her six years of work for the U.S. Department of Justice, are fundamental to Ms. Dalton’s sense of what community-government partnerships can accomplish, as well as the racial disproportionality of our systems. Her national-level work for the Rand Corporation, Arnold Ventures, Bloomberg Associates and the Obama Foundation have further broadened her perspective on what government can accomplish for individuals, families, and communities.
Ms. Dalton earned a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College. She is an alumna of the Coro Center for Civic Leadership program.