About the Simulations

The NACo Cyberattack Simulation is a reality-based simulation that prepares county risk leaders for cyberattacks by assessing counties' current state of readiness and identifying gaps. This simulation will help attendees evaluate their incident response procedures and tools and guide them in developing a detailed cyberattack response strategy.

Course Objectives

  • Provide a certified test of incident management plans.
  • Baseline current cybersecurity and risk management work capabilities.
  • Strengthen the leadership skills of managers responsible for risk planning and incident resolution.
  • Improve the quality of the incident management plans and playbook details.
  • Develop immediate action plans to strengthen people, process, and technical security controls.

Schedule of Simulations

A group of business people shake hands

NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Supplier Management Access

Effective partner management is integral to the operational efficiency of government business, yet it poses inherent cybersecurity risks, especially concerning partner access to sensitive systems and data.

Woman looking at her credit card

NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Financial Access

Financial transaction systems are prime targets for cyber threats due to the value and sensitivity of the data. This cyber simulation assesses risks and fortifies safeguards within financial access systems.

lines of data with a lock

NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Cloud Security

Cloud computing has become integral to modern business and government operations, offering scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. 


The NACo Cyberattack Simulation is designed for cybersecurity managers, their teams and those responsible for risk defense, protection, and recovery, including HR, policy management, finance, public safety and emergency services.

30-60 minutes per day for one week. Activities can be completed on the participants’ schedule and accessed online anywhere.

Limited Time Only - Available at No-Cost to all Tech Xchange members

Learn more about the Tech Xchange and how to become a member here. 

The NACo County Tech Xchange and partners are providing a scholarship of $795 per enrollee.

For current NACo members and Tech Xchange members (unlimited) – the registration is free.

For current NACo members who are not Tech Xchange members (unlimited) – the registration per simulation is $150, unless you prepay for all Four Simulations, then the cost would be discounted at 25% (or $450 for the year, rather than $600)

For current counties that are not NACo members nor Tech Xchange members (unlimited) – the registration per simulation is $200. Unless you prepay for all Four Simulations, then the cost would be discounted at 25% (or $600 for the year, rather than $800)

Program Contact

Image of Rita-Reynolds-2.png

Rita Reynolds

Chief Information Officer, NACo