
The County Leadership Curriculum is a program dedicated to enhancing the professional development and leadership skills of Counties officials and staff. Recognizing the evolving landscape of Counties governance, NACo’s curriculum is designed to reflect the continuous growth essential for effective leadership. 

Structure and Tracks

The CLC offers a structured learning experience through three specialized tracks with training spanning over two years. Workshops are held at NACo’s Legislative Conference, Western Interstate Region conference and the Annual Conference. In order to successfully complete the program, attendees must attend a minimum of 16 workshops within a two-year period and must successfully complete Robert’s Rules 101 and 102, Financial Management 101 and 102 and 12 other workshops of their choice. Participants can satisfy the required number of workshops through in-person sessions or online sessions.

Track One

Governance and Operations

Dive into the nuts and bolts of county government through this track. These sessions provide officials with comprehensive insights into county government and its inner workings. This track equips participants with the knowledge needed to navigate the intricacies of county operations. This track will explore the intricate parts of county government such as county budgets, parliamentary procedures, disaster preparedness and more. 

Track Two

Personal Development

Explore the art of leadership with Track Two. Designed to elevate individual leadership capabilities through tailored topics to strengthen professional and leadership traits. Workshop topics include building consensus, mastering change management, facultative leadership and more to help strengthen create effective county leaders. 

Track Three

Communication and Delivery

Acquire tools for effective public communication, a critical skill in modern governance. This track enhances participants' communication proficiency, allowing them to engage effectively with the public and navigate the challenges of communication in today's digital age. Session topics range from media relations, message development, social media usage and more.

In-Person Sessions

Annual Conference 

Track One 

  • Robert's Rules 102 | Advancing Your Meeting Mastery for Effective Governance
    • 111-113, 1st floor | 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. | July 14
  • Financial Management 101 | Unveiling the Essentials of County Budgeting and Financial Management for Elected Officials 
    • 122-123, 1st floor | 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. | July 14
  • Navigating Personal Safety: Keeping You and Your Sphere Safe
    • 122-123, 1st floor | 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. | July 13

Track Two

  • Fostering Civility in Public Discourse Navigating Personal Safety: Keeping You and Your Sphere Safe
    • 122-123, 1st floor | 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. | July 14

Track Three

  • Media Relations Mastery: Navigating Press Interactions
    • 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m | July 15

Upcoming Workshops

Webinar Sessions 

Track One 

  • Robert's Rules 101 | Rule the Room: Mastering Robert’s Rules for Effective Governance
  • Financial Management 102 | Beyond the Balance Sheet: Advanced Strategies for County Budgeting and Financial Mastery 
  • County Chronicles | Unlocking the Roles that Shape County Government: County Planners

Track Three

  • Mastering Crisis Communication: Strategies and Tactics for Effective Response

Upcoming Webinars

A group of business professionals sit around a table

Connected and Protected: The Importance of Regional Cyber Tabletop Exercises

Join us for an interactive webinar on the importance of regional tabletop exercises in enhancing cybersecurity defenses for county governments. Learn how these exercises can help bridge connections between different local government agencies and departments, improve cybersecurity measures, and foster effective collaboration. Discover practical steps to initiate and conduct regional tabletop exercises, ensuring a coordinated and resilient response to potential cyber threats.

white house

NACo Membership Series: First 100 Days, Week 7

Join NACo for week seven of a membership series providing timely updates and analysis on key developments during the first 100 days of the Trump administration. These calls will focus on policies and actions that directly impact counties, including federal funding, regulations and intergovernmental partnerships. Join us to stay informed on how these changes may shape county priorities and operations.

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Saving Millions: How Counties Are Cutting Employee Health Plan Rx Costs with the NACo Public Promise PBM Coalition, a NACo Public Promise Insurance Webinar

Join us for an educational webinar on how NACo’s Public Promise Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) Coalition is helping counties save millions on employee health plan prescription drug costs. Learn more about how Mecklenburg County, N.C. is projected to save $7-8 million by joining the NACo PBM coalition. This offering, through NACo’s Public Promise Insurance, in partnership with CVS Caremark, provides counties with powerful cost-savings and multi-year pricing guarantees to combat rising Rx costs.

Developing America's Workforce

Bridging the Generational Divide in the County Workforce, a NACo EDGE Webinar

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 |  1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

Leading multiple generations in the county workforce can be quite challenging. Even the most experienced leaders in local government are realizing anew the importance of situational awareness and individualized consideration and applying strategies that bridge generational divides to provide value across all generations. 

Join your peers in this webinar in which Dr. Tim Rahschulte will explain the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce and provide practical strategies for bridging the divide and creating increased collaboration among your team. Dr. Tim will outline the characteristics and values of each generation represented in our workforce today, share common stereotypes associated with each generation and detail how they can impact workforce dynamics. Importantly, strategies will be shared for building a culture of inclusion and understanding, techniques for promoting open communication, creating opportunities for cross-generational collaboration and leveraging the strengths of each generation for the benefit of each person in your workforce and each customer they serve in your community. As part of this conversation, we will explore together ways to address conflicts that arise due to generational differences and how to foster a workplace culture that values individual contribution and collaboration.

This webinar is brought to you by NACo EDGE, establishing people, purchasing, and performance cost-saving solutions that can be applied to counties nationwide. EDGE is owned by NACo, advised by county leaders and 100% focused on solutions for U.S. Counties. Learn more about NACo EDGE here.



Gulf States Counties and Parishes Caucus Symposium

Lafourche Parish, La.

Join us at NACo’s Gulf States Counties and Parishes Caucus Symposium, where county and parish leaders will engage in dynamic mobile workshops and collaborative sessions.

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AI & The Workplace Transformation: How to Enhance Staff Efficiency and Well Being in the Public Sector

Join Grace White, Deputy Chief of System of Care Network at MHMR of Tarrant County, TX and Chris Yakscoe, Director & GM of AI at Netsmart, for a deep dive into the transformative power of automation and AI in the workplace. This session will explore how these technologies simplify daily tasks, reduce administrative burdens and improve staff well-being by fostering a healthier work environment. Learn from real-life examples of AI-driven tools that enhance recruitment, engagement and patient care while also supporting operational excellence. Key takeaways will include strategies for successful AI and automation initiatives to boost staff retention, reduce burnout and optimize workflows, with a look into future innovations in workforce management and patient care. Don’t miss this opportunity to empower your team and elevate your agency’s potential!


For any questions or concerns about the program, please reach out to arathi@naco.org.