Senators launch Bipartisan Mental Health Caucus


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Blaire Bryant

Legislative Director – Health | Large Urban County Caucus
Naomi Freel

Naomi Freel

Legislative Assistant

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County Countdown – July 1, 2024

Mental health

Key Takeaways

In an era of mounting mental health challenges, Sens. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) launched the Bipartisan Mental Health Caucus. Currently comprising ten members - five Republicans and five Democrats - the caucus is dedicated to prioritizing mental health, enhancing access to services and eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health issues. 

Here are the top priorities of the Caucus:
  • Improve prevention and early intervention.
  • Bolster response services, mental health professionals and evidence-based treatment.
  • Increase support for mental health. 

Bipartisan congressional efforts to address the growing mental health crisis help strengthen the ability of counties to drive impactful policy change, ensure that mental health legislation remains a top priority at the federal level and align with our mission to support behavioral health in our communities. 

Counties will continue to support these Congressional efforts by:

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