Podcast: ForwardTogether during National County Government Month
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Key Takeaways
Mary Jo McGuire has seen a lot of the country’s counties, parishes and boroughs during the eight months of her term as NACo president and it’s given her a deeper appreciation for what makes county government work.
“What's inspiring to me about counties is that we work together and we need we know that we need to get the work done, we can’t let differences get in the way of that and so I’m very inspired when I visit counties throughout the country,” she said.
As April approaches, she spoke to the County News Podcast about National County Government Month seen through the prism of her presidential theme: ForwardTogether — connect, inspire and lead.
County News Podcast
Take a deep dive on issues impacting local governments across the country, share in lessons on leadership from county leaders and their counterparts in Washington, and learn more about what it takes to strengthen America's counties on the County News Podcast.
Celebrate the role of counties every April
National County Government Month
National County Government Month (NCGM), held each April, is an annual celebration of county government. Since 1991, NACo has encouraged counties to actively promote county roles and responsibilities in serving residents. Counties can schedule activities any time during the month. NCGM is an excellent opportunity for your county to highlight effective or innovative county programs and raise public awareness of services provided to the community.