Operation Green Light is coming November 6-12

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Key Takeaways

In honor of Veterans Day, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and our affiliate, the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers (NACVSO) are once again inviting counties to participate in Operation Green Light for Veterans.  

  • What is it? Operation Green Light recognizes veterans in our communities through the simple act of lighting county buildings and landmarks in green. By shining a light, we ensure veterans feel seen and heard, and that we hold steadfast in our commitment to ensuring their access to resources. 
  • When is it? Operation Green Light will take place from November 6-12, 2023 – the week leading up to Veterans Day. Counties are invited to shine a green light for all or part of this week. 
  • How do counties participate? NACo’s Operation Green Light toolkit highlights many ways to participate, from lighting a county building or landmark, to issuing a resolution, to contacting local media, posting on social media or holding an event to raise awareness of resources available to veterans. 

As counties recognize veterans in our communities, NACo advocates on behalf of the needs of those who have served. 

  • Federal advocacy: Federal lawmakers can shine a green light in their District and D.C. offices and use NACo’s sample social media posts to share their involvement. Members of the U.S. House can also show support by cosponsoring the bipartisan H.Res 750. 
  • CVSO Act: Counties are also calling on Congress to cosponsor and pass Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach (CVSO) Act, which would authorize federal funding to expand the work of County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs). 
  • Why it matters: In 29 states, CVSOs funded almost exclusively by counties are responsible for helping veterans access over $50 billion annually in VA benefits.  
  • Take action: Use NACo’s template letters to urge your U.S. House Representative(s) and U.S. Senators to join Operation Green Light, or share this Congressional toolkit with your federal delegations. 

Let NACo know how your county is participating in Operation Green Light by completing this form

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