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Between 2022 and 2040, counties, cities and states will receive over $50 billion in payments from the national opioid settlements. As these payments roll out, continued state-local coordination is key to ensuring that resources are effectively invested. On June 26, join NACo and the National Academy for State Health Policy for a webinar on promising practices for state-local coordination in opioid settlement spending. Featuring state and local leaders from North Carolina and Colorado, the webinar will explore strategies that counties and states can pursue to align efforts, reduce duplication and ensure that settlement funds are directed to the greatest areas of need.

Upcoming Events


Building a Behavioral Health Continuum of Care: The Role of Rural Leaders and Behavioral Health Directors

This webinar is hosted by the National Association of Counties (NACo) in partnership with the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Development Disability Directors (NACBHDD).


Prevention to Treatment: Substance Use Disorder Solution Strategies

Our discussion will cover what's available, what's currently working, differences in approach, and potential strategies for various populations including the underserved population.

Woman looking at her credit card

NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Financial Access

Financial transaction systems are prime targets for cyber threats due to the value and sensitivity of the data. This cyber simulation assesses risks and fortifies safeguards within financial access systems.