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Caregivers provide care every day to the growing aging population in communities across the nation. They also fill the ever-growing gaps in the direct care workforce and help older adults age in place. County leaders are shifting their systems and implementing service delivery approaches to expand caregiver access to services and supports. Join NACo and the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) to learn more about the new Action Guide for counties, how counties can leverage the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers and innovative programs at the local level to support family caregivers and increase their access to county-based services.

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Wendy HS

Wendy Fox-Grage

Senior Director, National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP)
greg hs

Greg Link

Director, Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services, Administration for Community Living/U.S. Administration on Aging
Image of Joy Bivens.jpg

Joy Bivens

Deputy County Administrator, Franklin County, Ohio
all hs

Allegra Joffe

Supervisor, Caregiver and Support Services Unit, Area Agency on Aging, Fairfax County, Va.
Ashley Stevens

Ashley Stevens, MSW, LCSW

Program Coordinator, Project C.A.R.E., Department of Social Services, Mecklenburg County, N.C.

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