Building and Supporting Comprehensive Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems

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In response to a growing need for behavioral health care services, counties are working to establish and bolster access to comprehensive continuums of care for their community members. One critical component of these systems of care is the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, which was established in July 2022 and has come to serve as an entry point for individuals seeking access to behavioral health services and treatment. In this panel discussion, experts and county leaders will discuss the role of 988 in building and supporting comprehensive behavioral health care systems.
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Shaping Crisis Response Spotlight Series

Toolkit for Counties: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Featured Initiative
NACo Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing
(2023-2024) Counties increasingly handle direct mental health services, acting as the safety net for vulnerable residents and operating crisis lines, hospitals and detention centers. NACo’s Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing developed reports and united county leaders to address the mental health crisis through four key policy priorities.

NACo EDGE Solution
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid, a skills-based training, teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges in their peers, friends and colleagues.