Bridging the Generational Divide in the County Workforce, a NACo EDGE Webinar

This event will take place on Zoom Webinar. Please email with any questions regarding registration or login issues.
Leading multiple generations in the county workforce can be quite challenging. Even the most experienced leaders in local government are realizing anew the importance of situational awareness and individualized consideration and applying strategies that bridge generational divides to provide value across all generations.
Join your peers in this webinar in which Dr. Tim Rahschulte will explain the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce and provide practical strategies for bridging the divide and creating increased collaboration among your team. Dr. Tim will outline the characteristics and values of each generation represented in our workforce today, share common stereotypes associated with each generation and detail how they can impact workforce dynamics. Importantly, strategies will be shared for building a culture of inclusion and understanding, techniques for promoting open communication, creating opportunities for cross-generational collaboration and leveraging the strengths of each generation for the benefit of each person in your workforce and each customer they serve in your community. As part of this conversation, we will explore together ways to address conflicts that arise due to generational differences and how to foster a workplace culture that values individual contribution and collaboration.
This webinar is brought to you by NACo EDGE, establishing people, purchasing, and performance cost-saving solutions that can be applied to counties nationwide. EDGE is owned by NACo, advised by county leaders and 100% focused on solutions for U.S. Counties. Learn more about NACo EDGE here.