2024 Western Interstate Region Conference

About the Conference
The NACo Western Interstate Region (WIR) Conference brings together county officials from across the nation to focus on pressing issues facing Western counties and our residents. Each year the conference is hosted by a county within the fifteen Western states – Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai'i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming – and provides attendees with the opportunity to interact with federal, state and regional policymakers, participate in educational sessions and take home tools to address challenges.

National Center for Public Lands Counties
The National Center for Public Lands Counties is dedicated to advancing the policy and practice study of America’s public lands counties. Our mission is to deepen the understanding and address the unique challenges faced by counties containing federal lands through strategic research and collaboration.
Conference Schedule
For purposes of travel planning, check out the daily summaries below. Click here to explore full schedule of events and workshops.
Conference Days
May 7 (Pre-Conference)
Tuesday’s pre-conference activities include two mobile tours of Yosemite National Park (pre-registration is required), which will focus on the federal, state and local partnership in disaster recovery and response efforts and how tourism and conservation efforts impact counties.
May 8
Day one of the conference features the NACo Board of Directors and Public Lands Trust Fund Trustees meetings. Three of NACo’s policy steering committees will also convene on separate mobile tours to discuss issues of importance to counties.
May 9
Day two kicks off with and all attendee breakfast, and the Opening General Session and all-attendee luncheon. Participants will also have the opportunity to partake in different workshops, which will focus on smart transportation, broadband, water conservation and forest health. The evening will conclude with a Conference-wide reception at Tenaya.
May 10
The last day of the conference opens with WIR’s Annual Business Meeting, where WIR members will vote on WIR policy positions, and consider proposed bylaws changes. The day will; end with a closing keynote speaker along with a final workshop block and the NACo Board of Directors Orientation.