Credentials Committee

About the Committee

The Credentials Committee is a group of elected county officials, appointed by the current NACo president that ensures the credibility of the election and is charged with resolving disputes about election issues.  A three-member committee is provided for in the NACo bylaws.

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How We Work


Committees & Caucuses

NACo is a grassroots-driven organization that encourages member engagement. Currently, we have more than 1,100 individual county elected and appointed officials from every region of the country represented on our 10 policy steering committees, ad hoc and standing committees, caucuses and task forces.

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NACo Membership

When your county is a member of NACo, all county elected officials and staff are members and can access, engage, network, save and succeed. Learn how become a member and how to get involved.


NACo Staff

NACo’s staff works to support the organization’s programs, advocacy and member services. Find individual staff, get personalized assistance and explore opportunities to join NACo's team.


State Associations, Affiliates and Affinity Organizations

State associations, national affiliates and affinity organizations work alongside NACo to strengthen county governments through collaboration, advocacy, and shared resources.

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