Gulf States Counties and Parishes Caucus

The voice of gulf states counties and parishes before Congress and the Administration.


The purpose of the Gulf States Counties and Parishes Caucus (GSCPC) is to promote a clearer understanding of mutual problems of Gulf Coast counties and parishes and their citizens, to establish a single source of information concerning county and parish governments in the Gulf region and to advocate on behalf of those residing in Gulf counties and parishes before federal government. Please note that no additional dues are required to join the GSCPC. To join the caucus, please contact NACo Staff Liaison Brett Mattson at to learn more.  

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Resilient Counties Initiative

NACo works to strengthen county resiliency by building leadership capacity to identify and manage risk, and allow counties to become more flexible and responsive.

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View all GSCPC members here.

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Hon. Archie Chaisson, III

President, Lafourche Parish, La.

Staff Contact

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Brett Mattson

Legislative Director – Justice & Public Safety | Gulf States Counties & Parishes Caucus