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Hon. Gary Moore

NACo Past President; Judge/Executive, Boone County, Ky.

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2025 NACo Legislative Conference Coverage

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NACo kicks off 2025 Legislative Conference

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Our upcoming year at NACo is shaping up to be one of our most challenging. These are unprecedented times and strong leadership will be essential in guiding our county organization now more than ever. I also understand that your commitments in your home county will be more demanding. With these things in mind, I ask for you to strongly consider submitting your name for a leadership position at NACo. Thank you and stay healthy.

These appointments are for:

  • Policy Steering Committee chairs and vice chairs and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs
  • Large Urban County Caucus and Rural Action Caucus chairs, vice chairs and members
  • Standing Committee chairs, vice chairs and members
  • Ad Hoc Committee, Task Force and Advisory Board chairs, vice chairs and members
  • At-Large NACo Board of Directors

Below is more information for each committee and its specific appointment terms. Committee leaders and members must cover their own travel and conference expenses.

IMPORTANT: Steering committee membership is not a part of this application process. State associations of counties are responsible for nominating general policy steering committee members. The online nomination form for policy steering committee membership can be found here.
To become a member of a steering committee you must fill out the nomination form and submit it to your state association. They will submit the nomination to NACo.

To be considered for a presidential appointment to any of the following committees or as an At-Large Director for the NACo Board of Directors, you MUST complete the application online before June 14, 2020.

Policy Steering Committee Leadership

The 10 policy steering committees will each have a leadership team consisting of a chair, an appropriate number of vice chairs and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs. Those applicants who have been active members of the steering committee will be given preference in consideration for these appointments. The applicant should be willing to help coordinate leadership conference calls, develop meeting agendas and testify before Congress, if necessary. These appointments are for one year.

RAC and LUCC Leadership and Members

The Rural Action Caucus and the Large Urban County Caucus will each have a chair, an appropriate number of vice chairs and members. Applicants who have been active members of these caucuses will be given preference in consideration for these appointments. These appointments are for one year.

At-Large Appointments to the NACo Board of Directors

Each president appoints 10 at-large directors to the NACo Board of Directors for a one-year term. These appointments are to add balance to the board with respect to any inequities between urban and rural, gender, geography and minority representation. As with our communities, our strength is in our diversity. These appointments are for one year.

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees take direction from and report directly to the NACo Officers.

  • Information Technology. Advises the Executive Committee on information technology issues and provides oversight on NACo information technology projects. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)

  • Programs and Services. Advises the Executive Committee regarding the development and evaluation of programs and services for NACo members. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)

  • Membership. Actively recruits and retains member counties, parishes and boroughs to increase NACo's total membership. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)

Ad Hoc Committees, Advisory Boards and Task Forces

The Ad Hoc committees are as follows:

  • Arts and Culture Commission. The NACo Arts and Culture Commission demonstrates how the arts can be used by county officials to promote economic development and provide solutions to many of the challenges that they face, through workshop sessions, field trips, special publications and its annual Arts & Culture awards, which recognize counties working to foster an environment where arts can thrive to create more livable communities. (Appoints the chair, vice-chair and members for a one-year term.)
  • Geospatial Information Systems Subcommittee. (Appoints the chair, vice-chair and members for a one-year term.)
  • Resilient Counties Advisory Board. Provides information, guidance and support to the NACo Resilient Counties Initiative. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year term.)
  • Healthy Counties Advisory Board. Provides information, guidance and support to the NACo Healthy Counties Initiative. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year term.)
  • Immigration Reform Task Force. Educates Congress, the administration and NACo members on the impact of immigration on counties and helps advocate for NACo's priorities. (Appoints chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)
  • International Economic Development Task Force. Provides information, guidance and support for international economic development activities. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year term.)
  • Veterans and Military Services Committee. Engage NACo and its members to develop and highlight county best practices and policies to promote innovative programs, services and benefits for our nation's military, veterans and their families. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)

The Presidential Appointments Application Form must be completed by everyone who wants to be considered for a leadership or committee appointment on a steering, standing or ad hoc committee for the 2020–2021 presidential year. The application form is available online at NACo's web site: Presidential Appointments Application.
The deadline for submitting your application is June 14, 2020. Thank you, in advance, for your interest in serving, and I look forward to receiving your application.
Please direct any questions to

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