County Countdown – Feb. 20, 2024

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Every other week, NACo’s County Countdown reviews top federal policy advocacy items with an eye towards counties and the intergovernmental partnership.

Watch the video above and explore NACo resources below.

1. Legislative Conference Wrap-Up

Thank you to everyone who participated in NACo’s Legislative Conference last week. The conference brought together nearly 2,000 county officials to focus on federal policy issues that impact counties and our residents.

  • Conference highlights: We strengthened intergovernmental partnerships through bipartisan meetings on Capitol Hill, the federal agency expo and a keynote address from the President of the United States.
  • Explore new resources: Visit the conference homepage, as well as our advocacy hub to check out new resources, and read conference coverage from County News here.
  • Stay tuned for a full recap and new advocacy resources, and follow us on social media for the latest.

2. Federal Budget Watch

As the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 federal budget deadline looms once again, NACo is focused on engaging Congress to ensure long-term certainty for essential programs supporting food security and internet access.

3. Administering the 2024 Election

Federal election security funding is also a priority in the 2024 federal budget process. As elections become increasingly complex, counties need federal support for training, infrastructure and personnel.

4. SALT Deduction

While Congress has rejected a SALT deduction reform bill, NACo continues to advocate for fair tax provisions.

  • Unfair tax implications: The current SALT deduction structure burdens homeowners disproportionately compared to landlords, and caps married couples at a lower amount per person than individuals.
  • Ongoing advocacy: NACo aims to revisit the issue with Congress for equitable tax treatment.

5. HOME Investment Partnerships Program

In the coming weeks, expect more discussions around the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s HOME Investment Partnership Program.

  • Legislation introduced in both the House and Senate would reauthorize the program and incrementally increase authorization levels until 2028.
  • The HOME program is the largest federal block grant for state and local governments, designed to create affordable housing for low-income households.
  • Counties can use HOME funds for a wide range of activities including building, buying and/or rehabilitating housing for rent or homeownership, or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

Related News

U.S. Department of the Interior

NACo testifies before Congress on local consultation through tribal land-in-trust process

On June 26, Sonoma County, Calif. Supervisor David Rabbitt testified on behalf of NACo before the U.S. House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs during a hearing on legislation that would clarify the Secretary of the Interior’s authority to place land into trust.